Topologically Densified Distributions


We study regularization in the context of small sample-size learning with over-parameterized neural networks. Specifically, we shift focus from architectural properties, such as norms on the network weights, to properties of the internal representations before a linear classifier. Specifically, we impose a topological constraint on samples drawn from the probability measure induced in that space. This provably leads to mass concentration effects around the representations of training instances, ie, a property beneficial for generalization. By leveraging previous work to impose topological constraints in a neural network setting, we provide empirical evidence (across various vision benchmarks) to support our claim for better generalization.

Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2020, 13-18 July 2020, Virtual Event
Marc Niethammer
Marc Niethammer
Professor of Computer Science

My research interests include image registration, image segmentation, shape analysis, machine learning, and biomedical applications.
